Use these 5 P’s of Productivity to Be More Successful at Work

Donna WalksInSpirit
5 min readJun 21, 2021

Helping you complete 1 project at a time more efficiently so you work smarter, not harder.

(Image created by author from Canva Pro pic by Dragonimages)

Most procrastinators dawdle, amble, and distract themselves when they’re under time constraints. Perfectionists spend too much time on the details of average tasks. I am both.

Everyone sweats it when they’re faced with a daunting work task that they’re not sure they can pull off. Most people feel the pressure to be perfect; however, not every task deserves perfection.

This is one of my ways of getting things done, especially things I don’t want to do. So when you can’t delegate, get to it. Grab your list of pressing tasks and get started.

I’ve created a visual worksheet for you. Display it prominently to help remind you of your #1 priority. You know what they say, “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Print it off to fill in as you go through the steps, or write your answers on something that you can put where you see it daily.

I’ve separated the 5 Steps into two categories, the work and you.



Donna WalksInSpirit

Clairvoyant psychic medium, book & freelance writer, oracle creator & spiritual mentor at Get unstuck with msgs from your divine team.